Get Involved

Membership Benefits

    • An Invitation to attend the Society’s Annual Meeting
    • A vote at the annual meeting for new board members
    • Discounts on ticketed events by the Historical Society
    • A discount off items for sale offered by the Historical Society
    • The Historian – our great newsletter
    • Exclusive invitations to special events


    • Special invitation to events each year
    • Sneak previews for major events & exhibits

Volunteering connects you to other people
Your mind and body become stronger
Studies show you are happier,
It brings fun and fulfillment to your life,
You learn or develop new skills,
It makes you feel needed and valued,
You make a difference in the community and… You Get Smart!


Thank you for volunteering with The Delaware County Historical Society!  We have prepared this orientation to give you the knowledge about the Historical Society that will help you in your volunteer activities with The Society.

Please CLICK HERE to begin your volunteer orientation!


Report Your Volunteer Time

Not only is your volunteering valuable, but showing others how much our volunteers contribute helps the society.


Support from the community is what keeps the Delaware County Historical Society going. Learn how you can get involved!  By joining, you are supporting an organization dedicated to the preservation of Delaware County Ohio history + the Historical Society’s education outreach program to all Delaware County Schools.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way!