Teacher Tote Bag Program
3rd Graders

The Tote Bag is
a portable resource
file on Delaware County History.
The Curriculum Support Committee developed a portable tote bag full of local Delaware history. These tote bags are designed for 3rd grade teachers at each of the elementary schools within Delaware County. Tote bags may be picked up at the beginning of each school year or at any time throughout the school year and returned in May.
3rd Grade Tote Bag Contents
The bulk of the bag consists of folders holding archival photos and documents about the development of Delaware County. We also included current photographs so that students could see how the county has changed over time. Each bag also contains two DVDs, all of the Society’s pamphlets, a copy of Jeffrey Darbee’s Delaware and Delaware County, a folder on the history of the Nash House, and a teacher resource folder with lesson ideas for using primary documents and reading lists.
For a detailed Inventory Checklist of the Tote Bag, click here.
Ohio Social Studies Content Standards Addressed
3rd Grade: |
History: 2, 3 Geography: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Government: 9 Economics: 18 |