Our Programs

Join us as we watch, walk, and learn about Delaware County!

The Society presents programs throughout the year. We do this in support of our mission to “promote and sustain interest in the history of Delaware County”. These programs are open to the Delaware County community and the general public. Come join us, learn and share our rich Delaware County History. 


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Celebrating Delaware County Women

Celebrating women who have done some extraordinary things throughout history. Meet eight women who were “the first females” or “near first females” in their career in Delaware County. Learn how they earned their positions, what aided in their journey and what obstacles they met as they navigated their careers. This will be a panel – type discussion. Link to register –  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/984189345827?aff=oddtdtcreator


Click HERE for a list of our 2024 Programs!


Watch Here For Future Updates!


The Delaware County Historical Society offers programs, tours, and walks sharing our knowledge and love of Delaware County History: people, places, events, and things. In our Video Gallery, we are pleased to preserve and share this historical content, interesting information, and fun with all the visitors to our website.

CLICK the below videos to watch!

Our mission is to promote and sustain interest in the history of Delaware County, Ohio through historical preservation and education.
In pursuit of that mission, The Society has researched and created many historic tours, strolls, and walks that take participants through our rich Delaware County History. We offer those tours to the community as public programs and to school groups as part of our Curriculum Support work.

Click HERE to learn about our Historical Walks & Tours!