Gas Stations of Delaware County - Historical Society Program - The Barn at Stratford - Event Venue - Delaware Ohio

Following a rousing success at the Delaware County Fair, The Delaware County Historical Society is pleased to announce that noted local historian Mr. Brent Carson will be presenting a Historical Society Program:

“Gas Stations of Delaware County”

Oct 18, 2016 at 7pm at The Barn at Stratford

Each year, the Delaware County Historical Society chooses a theme project for special research. Our theme for 2016 is Gas Stations of Delaware County. Join us as we recapture the age when every corner had a local gas pump that filled your gas tank, checked under the hood, and cleaned your windshield.

1950's Gas Station - Historical Society Program - The Barn at Stratford - Event Venue - Delaware OhioMr. Brent Carson and Brad Cowan toured the county seeking out the gas stations, service stations, and other gas pumps.

Abandoned Gas Station - Historical Society Program - The Barn at Stratford - Event Venue - Delaware OhioSome still exist, some buildings have new purposes, and some are in disrepair or have disappeared entirely. Society volunteers scoured our collection for pictures and artifacts of gas stations and matched them to what Brent and Brad discovered. The result is an amazing study of the past and present, a study of changing technology and lifestyles in Delaware County.

Join us for this free public historical society program as Brent Carson presents in pictures, objects, and stories, the changing scene of “Gas Stations of Delaware County”.

The program will begin at 7:00 pm in the historic The Barn at Stratford at US 23 and Stratford Road in Stratford.

Those attending will also have the opportunity to tour the historic Meeker Homestead Museum before (6:30-7:00pm) and after the program.
