From Slavery to Freedom
3rd-8th Graders

Mr. Watson Walker, jr.
This video features the African Americans who lived and worked in Delaware County and northern Franklin County and includes the history of Africa Road, the Underground Railroad, the Lucy Depp Settlement, the Alum Creek Quaker abolitionists and more. This program can be scheduled as in-person or via ZOOM. The author of the program, Watson Walker, is available to provide a question-and-answer session before or after the video. To schedule this as an in person program, please contact Mr. Walker directly at
We will bring this program to your school or organization online via YouTube and ZOOM, or in person.
Length of time:
60 minutes or longer depending on the schedule that best meets your needs.
We suggest a fee or donation of $50.00 for small groups (up to 50 people), or $100.00 for larger groups.
The Delaware County Historical Society is a non-profit organization funded by donations and memberships.
These fees are negotiable so that all children and interested adult groups can receive the benefit of our programs.
Ohio Social Studies Content Standards Addressed
3rd Grade: | 4th Grade: | 5th Grade: | 8th Grade: | |
History: 2, 3, 5 Geography: 6,7,8 Government: 9, 10, 11, 13 Economics: 17, 20 |
History: 2, 3, 7 Geography: 9, 11, 13, 14 Government: 16 Economics: 21 |
Geography: 6, 7, 9, 10 Government: 11 Economics: 14 |
History: 1, 4 Geography: 15, 17, 18 Government: 20 |