Delaware County History Books

Delaware County online libraries with history books, atlases, or documents on Delaware County Ohio history.
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[accordion-item title=”Delaware County Historical Society”]
History Library - Delaware County Historical Society - Delaware OhioThe Delaware County Historical Society has extensive collections of Delaware County newspapers, books, atlases, maps,  yearbooks, and personal archives.  Much of this resource has been catalogued in a PastPerfect database.  You can search the catalogue using the link below, many of the items can be viewed online.

Do check out the “Search Tips” to help search the database.
[accordion-item title=”Community Library in Sunbury”]


Under: Collections / Databases

Ohio History Central Encyclopedia

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps – Large scale street plans — including building outlines, property boundaries, and building use — produced by the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company from 1867 to 1970.

Price It! Antiques & Collectibles  -It’s like “Antiques Roadshow!” Price It! Antiques & Collectibles – powered by – is the most comprehensive antique and collectible pricing tool in the world. This simple-to-use online resource delivers 23 million realized prices on treasures nearly 30% of Americans collect, buy and trade everyday.

[accordion-item title=”Open Library”]
Open Library - History Books - Delaware County OhioWebsite:

20th Century History of Delaware County Ohio and Representative Citizens

History of Delaware County and Ohio 1880

Something Missing?

Do you know of another online library with freely available books, atlases, or documents of Delaware County Ohio history content?   We will be happy to add it to this page, drop a note in our Suggestion Box.




