Program to focus on Underground Railroad court cases

The Underground Railroad in the Ohio Courts
a Virtual Zoom Program
7 p.m. Tuesday, June 22
By Roy Nichols
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SUNBURY — Roy Nichols is returning to the Big Walnut Area Historical Society to talk about “The Underground Railroad in the Ohio Courts” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 22. The virtual program will be available via Zoom.
His presentation will focus on Ohio’s Underground Railroad court cases, which arose under the Fugitive Slave Law.

Roy Nichols graduated from Gordon College, located north of Boston, then Cleveland-Marshall Law School. He also studied at Oberlin College and the Free University of Amsterdam.
He taught history and government before becoming an attorney with the state of Ohio for 10-plus years. Nichols went on to practice law for 24 years.
In retirement, he became a storyteller, while also playing Santa and giving historical presentations. He also performs in Vaudvillities shows.
Nichols is a member of an Underground Railroad Study Group, Ohio History Connection, Westerville Historical Society, and two Civil War Roundtable groups.
The Zoom link to Nichols’ program will be emailed to all who receive the BWAHS newsletter via email. For those who don’t receive the newsletter, the Zoom link can be requested by emailing
The Big Walnut Area Historical Society owns and operates the Myers Inn Museum on the corner of Columbus and Granville streets across from Sunbury Village Square. For more information, visit
Myers Inn Museum will be open on Saturdays by appointment for family groups of 10 or less. Call 740-965-3582 for more information.

Big Walnut Area Historical Society is a partner in the Delaware County History Network. The Network’s organizations collaborate to preserve, educate, and promote Delaware County’s rich history and heritage.