Delaware County Industrial History: Rubber Products
Wednesday, January 18 at 7pm, Zoom only
The County Engineering building on Channing Street was originally built when, in 1918, the businessmen of the Delaware Commercial Club enticed Guy and Ora Krichbaum to move their K&W Rubber factory from Ashland to Delaware. You’ll hear about this story as well as other rubber products companies in Delaware.
Black Men in Blue: The Civil War, Ohioans, and the US Colored Troops
Presented by Kelly Mezurek, Professor, Walsh University, Ohio Humanities Speaker

Understanding Black History Through Black Music
Presented by William T. McDaniel, Jr., PhD. Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University, Ohio Humanities Speaker and the Zion AME Choir.
Thursday, March 23, at 7pm
The Barn at Stratford
Black music has often served as a barometer of the times and lives of black people. This program, utilizing recorded music, explores various aspects and periods of black history by examining the music of each era. It ranges from the work-songs and spirituals of slavery through the rap of modern urban times. Delaware’s own Zion AME Choir will provide musical entertainment for the program.
This program is made possible in part by Ohio Humanities, a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Railroads in Delaware County
Presented by Jack Hilborn, Society Volunteer with special guests; Peter White and Paul Monks
Wednesday, April 19 at 7pm
The Barn at Stratford
This program will discuss the history of railroads and interurbans in Delaware County. Lots of interesting photographs and stories. The Big 4 Railroad Station on Lake Street will be topic of discussion as it’s under new ownership.

History of Del-Co Water & Water Systems
Presented by Glenn Marzluf, CEO and General Manager
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 7PM
The Barn at Stratford
Delaware County has terrible ground water as anyone with a well can likely attest. Sulfur water was nice in the heyday of mineral spring spas, but not so much if you wanted water in your home for drinking, laundry and bathing, etc. The visionaries that started Del-Co Water recognized that Delaware County needed a better water supply in order to grow. Looking around the county, especially the southern part, clearly they succeeded. The speaker will cover this history as well as some historic background of municipal water systems.

Depp Cemetery Tour
Presented by Michael Hamilton
Sunday, June 11 Time 2-4PM,
at the Cemetery (OH-745 Dublin Rd. just north of Shawnee Hills)

The Stagecoach Era in Delaware County
Presented by Becky Cornett, Society Board Member
Tuesday, June 20
at 7pm at the Barn at Stratford
The speaker has been researching the stagecoach era in Delaware County, including owners, routes, inns along the routes, and other aspects. The Myers Inn in Sunbury, home of the Big Walnut Area Historical Society, is a wonderful example of a surviving stagecoach inn.

OSU/OWU Sports History
Presented by Brent Carson, Society Volunteer, President Emeritus
Wednesday, August 30 Cancelled

*Oak Grove Cemetery Walk
Sunday, October 8, 1pm—3:20pm
Tours every 20 minutes
Programs are free unless otherwise noted.
The Barn at Stratford is at 2690 Stratford Road, Delaware
*Ticketed Event – available on EventBrite – Members will receive a discount.
info@DelawareOhioHistory.org DelawareOhioHistory.org 740-369-3831